Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Build an array of underwater cameras in pools to recognize signs of drowning?

This may be a dumb idea. I was reading this from /r/LifeProTips:
Looks like many of the signs are pretty straightforward. I wonder if you had an array of cameras in the pool that constantly analyzed people's arm/leg movements, how long they'd been under, or similar, that you could identify someone who was in the process of drowning. Have it set off an alarm and point out the victim to a lifeguard.
EDIT: /r/LifeProTips, not /r/LPT which is about painting toddlers.
EDIT2: Okay, so /r/LPT is about everything LPT.

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 01:27AM by minuteman_d via TikTokTikk

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