Friday, July 29, 2016

Does Nintendo's partnership with NVIDIA point to something more? Could NVIDIA plan on allowing the NX to use its GRID system to stream games over the internet?

You guys know a bit more about this than me probably....would this be possible? Outside of NVIDIA expanding their GRID network would anything else need to be done to allow this? I assume it would be subscription based, and will be rolled out slowly.

Its almost confirmed that the new nintendo console will contain a tegra chip, which has a lot of people pissed off and are saying its a nail in the coffin for Nintendo for not offering a more powerful system.....What if they partnered with NVIDA not just for its chip, but also to use its GRID network and have NVIDIA and Nintendo both profit from it?

NVIDIA offers its game streaming thru its SHIELD which hasnt sold well, maybe they could plan on using the same game streaming service on an updated network with the NX? Even if the NX sells bad it will probably sell better than the SHIELD.

This will allow for the NX to display better graphics than the NX hardware is capable of. They would gain lots of third party support, which they have a problem with, because third party companies would essentially just be releasing their PC versions for would cost them nothing or next to nothing to have their games on NX.

Here are some rumors and business decisions that I think kinda point to this...

Rumors about the NX working with PC's and other consoles....

  • Possibly talking about running PC games, and the ability for many console gamers to crossplay with PC users...Meaning that NX users could play something like rocket league with ps4 players and something similar on newer crossplay xbone games.

An NVIDIA chip being used in a console, which hasnt happened in a long time.

  • Could be NVIDIA being competitive and offering chip cheaply, but I think it points to a much larger partnership.....NVIDIA has the best game streaming network....they want to gain more subscriptions especially after the poor sales of the shield console and Nintendo wants third developer support, which brings me to next point...

Third party devs, such as Witcher 3 creators, said they are super excited for what they have seen with NX...

  • when they shouldnt be if the NX can only run Tegra-level graphics. They sound really enthusiastic like they are not just playing nice with nintendo. They would have to make entirely different games for a system that might or might not fail if it was designed to run on Tegra...thats a lot of money to invest. Running PC versions to display to the NX costs developers nothing...These DEVS would not be excited if they knew they would have to create separate games designed for high end tablets! Its like developing something for the original Wii when compared to the 360! They would not be so enthusiastic and excited if they knew they couldnt easily transfer their games over to new hardware! And the main witcher 3 DEV sounded extremely enthusiastic and helped to make one of best looking games ever, and they dont make a lot of games...He should be terrified if they knew the NX only ran on a tablet GPU! I dont think he was just excited to release the gwent card game!

Rumors about the docking part being released months after the mobile part.

  • May take longer for Nvidia to expand network, maybe the docking station has a better display output that allows games to put out at 4k on TVs....Nvidia might want to judge how popular the streaming service will become first by judging it on portable version....requires a lot more bandwidth to display at higher resolutions(Grid 2.0 allows 1080p, but they will eventually want to do it at higher resolutions). Might be that NVIDIA doesnt have network to display higher resolutions to so many people at first, fact that most people dont have 4k tvs would also make sense why nintendo would hold back on releasing a docking station that increases video output, has better wifi, and ethernet port.

Nvidia's investment in their game streaming network and the failure of their SHIELD console...

  • NX will sell better than shield even if it sells as bad as Wii U, maybe NVIDIA wants to make more money thru subscriptions and not enough people are buying shields to make it as lucrative as they expected. When Nvidia discussed its GRID 2.0 update the spokepersons mainly aimed toward remote desktop and running high end application over the internet usually...way less focus was put on the gaming portion, could be that they are giving up on shield but maybe its because they are upgrading their network for reasons they cant say yet publicly....because they hare going to mainly shift their shield gaming subscription service over to the NX! Thats a lot more people using it, a lot more servers requires, and a lot more money they make!

Submitted July 29, 2016 at 02:01PM by thejeffness69 via TikTokTikk

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