Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Sarah's solid state battery innovation - a future ethical dilemma

The pace of technology and innovation is so fast that soon virtually limitless portable power will be universally available to everyone. This article explores the link between the innovators absolute joy and the euphoria and pleasure of invention and the extreme ethical dilemma of perhaps releasing a power source that lifts the limits that currently prevents humanity from being subjugated by machines. This invention so damaging that for all the good it could bring, on balanced it could be also harnessed for the worst forms of exploitation, destruction and chaos.

Do you believe that energy capacity itself can become a controversy and requires strict regulation? Perhaps international treaties and safeguards to ensure unconstrained robotics can never be used in battle?

Please enjoy, share and comment.

Submitted June 28, 2017 at 04:27PM by iohubio via TikTokTikk

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