Friday, November 10, 2017

At this time, transportation of loads to locations in difficult terrain has very limited technological solutions, but it does not have to be so

Currently, if the easiest route to a location has enough rocks in it, the place can be reached only by air or by walking. For most potential purposes, helicopters are far too expensive and energy-inefficient +noisy. Transport drones are coming and they are better but not cheap and efficient enough for most loads. Other potential option involves so high-end computer science that it can make people jump to conclusions about the difficulty level of writing the software for it. The transportation device works such a way that it may feel like the software for it would need to be so incomprehensibly complex and difficult to even understand that it would be impossible to write. The working principle of the transportation device involves the animal skill of walking i.e moving ground contact surfaces forward in phases to well selected spots on the ground in front of it. Walking is more energy efficient than flying. Good enough for hikers to rent walkers that carry their tents, food and water 100 kilometers off-road. Good enough for telecom companies to transport solar-powered link stations.

Submitted November 10, 2017 at 01:04PM by herkato5 via TikTokTikk

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