Saturday, November 18, 2017

best £100-300 10"-12" laptop/netbook/tablet

hey I have not used the site in a long time but I am a game developer and my gfx card recently died but I dont really need a desktop anymore as I dont play games.

I need a touch screen as it helps for the chronic pain issues but also a keyboard or id just use my nexus 7.

anyway I really am just looking for the best In the £100-300 range (if its on overclockers or amazon then perfect)

aside from game develope I also write and sing but the internal storage size is not important, I care about the gpu nd cpu tho.

I used to build and sell desktops on ebay in 2004/5 but I have been off the internet for a while being stuck with phone (desktop has no onboard gpu but the thing costs allot of electricity)

I need to still be able to work on my game and I also stream allot on periscope so if any of this helps pick one then thanks

please excuse the dyslexic mistakes, Ross Tunnicliffe.

Submitted November 19, 2017 at 09:49AM by Ceutaful via TikTokTikk

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