Friday, April 20, 2018

Pointless speculation :what's next?

I am stuck at work on a slow day. And I am all caught up. So I am tossing things out, trying to stir things up. With that in mind...

What is the next big breakthrough we should be looking forward to?

Computer processing power seems to be about done, minor upgrades all the time yes, but we have been working with quad core systems in the home market for over a decade now, so no hudge changes there. Storage seems to have stopped serious development as well. We have not gotten past the terabyte drives yet, and they have been around for over 10 years or so now.

Tablets and smartphone have changed how we use and relate to computers a lot. But there has been little in the way of big changes in the last few years. Mostly small steps that you can see comming.

So what is the next big breakthrough we should be looking out for? What do you think will be the next thing to change how we function with computers or machines in general? Or are we just about as good as it's really going to get? Sure there have been changes in radio technology over the years, but if I plug it a radio from my grandfathers age, it works just as well as one brand new. Are we just about there with computers now? Or do we have more to go?

What do you think?

Submitted April 21, 2018 at 05:01AM by profgray2 via TikTokTikk

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