Sunday, June 10, 2018

Possibly the best improvement to Solar energy so far.

**Please watch the entire video before commenting**

I would love to know your thoughts on drastically improving solar to a level that would actually make a huge difference. A difference that could eradicate fossil fuels for good. The gentleman speaking is the inventor who briefly speaks about the power output difference between his panel and the conventional solar panel beside it. Keeping in mind that the output of power isn't correctly indicated by a voltage reading. If you watch the entire video you'll see that the power is supplied when needed. As in, when you turn a power tool on the amperage goes up showing that power is being drawn as its needed.

All energy generation outputs DC voltage, it is generally sent across large distances on DC lines, then converted to AC in the home. We have to take 15V DC from our system and put it into a 600W AC Inverter to output 240v AC into an Apple AC Adapter that then drops it back down to 19v at say 5A... the energy lost in the process is huge and you end up with a device that sheds heat as it tries to use up what is being forced into its circuitry. And who do you think pays for all this wasted energy? You! The consumer.

This Radiant Power Panel is far more superior than any solar panel. The entire system is known as an R-SET (Radiant Scalable Energy Tranformer). If you were to compare (size for size) against a Solar Panel, you would be generating 5v from Solar and 44v from the RPP. The RPP has no loss in performance because of heat - all the energy in the system is "cold". You can put your hand across the + and - terminals with zero adverse effects. More details of this "phenomenon" will be disclosed in the future. The greatest potential for this system is future devices could safely and efficiently run on DC voltage, with no loss in the system.

Thank you for reading and watching. We hope to see you soon with more exciting news and demonstrations.

Submitted June 10, 2018 at 09:49PM by GAEA_Research via TikTokTikk

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