Monday, November 26, 2018

80.81 of the city of Bern, Switzerland, voted yes for replacement of the city's school IT infrastructure

The project, called "base4kids2" will

  • Bring WLAN to every kindergarden and school in the city
  • Every teacher will get one personal iPad (with keyboard) while

    • Kindergarteners and second graders will get one for four students
    • 3. - 6. graders will get one for two stundents
    • after that, every student will get a personal one.

ByoD will be possible since most apps are web based.

  • They will build a collaborative learning platform based on open source products like:

    • Nextcloud
    • Moodle
    • Mahara
    • Kolab
    • Collabora
    • Mattermost

Microsoft products will no longer be provided (as Office will be replaced with Libreoffice) but students are free to use Office if they pay for the licence themselves.

Submitted November 26, 2018 at 10:45PM by LeSpatula via TikTokTikk

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