Sunday, January 27, 2019

Would deleting & re-joining facebook every few months be sufficient to stop user data aggregation/commodification?

Basically asking what I said in the title, a lot of people don't want FB to collect their data and sell it to advertisers but this is all based on their competence at building a user dataset for you that remains a stable indicator of your interests and ideology over time. That is curtailed by deleting your facebook and re-joining on a regular basis. Right? Perhaps not if they still have the dataset saved after you delete, and then just shift it back to your new profile using facial recognition. Not sure if that's technologically feasible for them at this point, though it's easy enough theoretically. (Surely they could just as easily do it through IP address detection but that's super easy to spoof.) Furthermore it would depend on how long they store your data after you delete your account. Is it only for 10-90 days, which is how long they claim to store non-users' browsing data?

Submitted January 28, 2019 at 02:45AM by tjarrr via TikTokTikk

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