Thursday, June 20, 2019

Advice about how to hook up some sort of headset phone system that allows me to hear the phone and listen to a microphone connected to my phone.

First off I'm sorry if this isn't the right sub I just need advice about this.

I work in a customer service position that requires me to answer the phone and help customers in store as well. However I have auditory processing disorder which makes it really difficult to understand words when there is other noise around(even if it's other people having a normal volume conversation. Didn't realize this was abnormal till I mentioned my struggle to a doctor). My work is very understanding about it and said they can probably get approval for me to wear an assisted hearing device that blocks out background noise so long as I can help customers and answer the phone as well.

So my idea for this is essentially that I have a microphone that connects to my cell which allows people to talk into it and I can hear them speak, I also have noise canceling headphones that connect to my cell. I was wondering if there was some way I could get it to work so that I can hear both the land-line phone and input from the microphone at the same time? Also, it would have to allow me to disconnect easily for when another associate takes my place. If anyone could give me some suggestions that would be great and would make my job significantly easier.

It's quite late where I am so if anything wasnt clear let me know and I can clarify. Thanks!

Submitted June 20, 2019 at 01:23PM by Oxker1 via TikTokTikk

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