Wednesday, June 19, 2019

IPFS-based storage and web hosting platform, the Shift Project, is running a public test of its new Phoenix cluster

💲The Shift Team will be instigating a reward program for those that set up a storage node and join the Phoenix testnet cluster. This will come in the form of 15 SHIFT distributed to qualifying participants every month.

In total, 9,000 SHIFT will be available for distribution during the first 3 months of the Shift v7.0t roll out.

Participation is easy.

Join our Discord channel, setup a Phoenix node, post a private message to our operations manager, Heisenberg#8320, containing the peerID (public key) and public IP address of your node, and then share the mainnet wallet address you'd like to use to receive your funds. We’ll be monitoring the online state of all nodes consistently in order to ensure suitable uptime.

The rules are simple. To have a valid claim to the 15 SHIFT/month reward:

✅ Uptime is measured from the 1st of each month.

✅ Max. 2 days downtime per month.

✅ Response time following the release of a new patch should be within 2 days.

✅ The first qualifying period begins next month on July 1st.

✅ Payments are sent on the 1st day of the following month.

💰 A onetime bonus of 1,000 SHIFT will be sent to a randomly selected node operator who has participated during the first qualifying month, with the prize paid on August 1st.

⚠️ These offers are not open to delegates currently forging on the Shift mainnet.

Submitted June 19, 2019 at 03:17PM by voteforMx via TikTokTikk

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