Sunday, March 29, 2020

looking for info about bluetooth.

so ive been looking through tons of websites, who unfortunatly cannot seem to explain more than elementary grade info. granted i might actually want to have basic info as well, but what these websites have been presenting is too shallow.

“bluetooth works via a radio frequency. it has an antenna and a tiny chip. its used a lot around the world.“

this is all ive gotten. i want to know more of the hardware aspects of it. how does the chip interpret signal to send out a frequency(or is this a software thing)? why does some mice use a usb reciever if theres the option of going true wireless? how does the chip function. whats it made of, and does it differ from the build you see on other chips? are these bluetooth chips similiar across different devices? what about bluetooth versions? can you even recogize them on a motherboard?

granted, i have a dead bluetooth-mouse that wont connect, and so instead of throwing it out, i wanted to mess around and open it up to see how it works. so, can anyone help me with gaining info?

have a great day :)

Submitted March 29, 2020 at 01:41PM by Theloser28 via TikTokTikk

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