Friday, November 26, 2021

Do you want to get DevOps certified for Free? We have 10 Black Friday promo codes.

This Black Friday, we are offering 10 DevOps Artisan certification promo codes so you can take a FREE certification exam in one of the following:

  • A1-001: Automation Engineer Associate Artisan
  • DO1-001: Deploy&Operate Engineer Associate Artisan
  • R1-001: Release Engineer Associate Artisan
  • A2-001: Automation Engineer Professional Artisan
  • DO2-001: Deploy&Operate Engineer Professional Artisan
  • R2-001: Release Engineer Professional Artisan

Let us know in the comments below why you would like to obtain a DevOps certification, and our team will contact you if you qualify for the voucher! More details about our certifications here:

Submitted November 26, 2021 at 12:55PM by DevOps_Artisan via TikTokTikk

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