Saturday, May 21, 2016

[Meta] For a community with almost 90,000 subscribers, more interaction in the comment section would be ideal. Why is it that the comment count is so low on /r/tech?

(I've seen these [Meta] posts before on Reddit so I hope this sort of thing is allowed on /r/tech. I think it's a good way for the community to air out its concerns in an open and honest way.)


For a community with almost 90,000 subscribers, more interaction in the comment section would be ideal. Why is it that the comment count is so low on /r/tech? For example, the top post has ZERO comments even though it's theoretically on thousands of users front page right now.

Submitted May 22, 2016 at 03:58AM by ManOfGizmosAndGears via TikTokTikk

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