Monday, May 16, 2016

Overclocked CPU throttles down .1GHz when not even under lots of heat

I have my 4790K overclocked to 4.6GHz at 2.15 V. Stress tests in OCCT go fine, and my max temp on only one core was 86, none exceeded 82 besides that.

However looking at results, at one instance at around 9 and a half minutes (ran for about 11) my CPU frequency drops to about 4.5, and looking at the data, there isn't even a max temp going on at that point during the test. CPU Clock is set at fixed, also power plan is high performance so it shouldn't be dropping, even though its only for one second.

This also happens during normal, not high CPU usage times like if I'm watching a video.

Is this normal for overclocking? It's not effecting my use of my PC at all, but I want to make sure my CPU isn't going to go potato or anything.

Submitted May 16, 2016 at 12:48PM by yiidf via TikTokTikk

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