Monday, July 11, 2016

Slow laptop, need a fix.

Honestly have no idea if I'm in the right thread, I'm just wondering if any of you lads could help me out in regards to speeding up my laptop. It was always fast but i've a feeling i've encountered some trojans and it's completely fucking up everything, I'm probably the most untechnologically savvy person you'll ever encounter so i'm not familiar with any of the clinical terms :P anyways, should i restore it or something? like is there any programs that could help, my anti-virus expired and I'm broke as shit, so preferably a free one haha. Like all these programs and popups are appearing out of nowhere, in the toolbar, deskstop ect. any help would be appreciated, thanks beforehand!

Submitted July 11, 2016 at 07:01PM by MerkelsMinge via TikTokTikk

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