Sunday, September 11, 2016

Found chips/virus in generic USB cable?!

First, sorry for bad english – french fag here ;)


I've purchased some months ago a cheap usb power banks (cost me less than 10€), that comes with a micro usb to usb cable.

It worked fine with a usb charger (one that comes with my iPhone, a palm usb charger and a amazon fire charger), but some times ago i plugged in in my macbook pro, it charge but the cable apperead as a mountable disk (?!).

So i copied all the files inside and i found this:

I tried opening the .exe and .inf files but it gives me an error

So i tried opening the cable, i used knife and others tools to open the cable from the big usb part, and i found chips inside:

I searched on internet but it seems that normally usb cables doesn't have chips inside, plus it was a really cheap cable.

I'm not a tech guy so if some peoples can helps me it will be great, so thanks :)

Submitted September 11, 2016 at 05:08PM by tataguez via TikTokTikk

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