Thursday, September 1, 2016

My laptop won't start

Okay this isn't really tech help but I don't know who to turn to. My hp laptop i bought from Amazon wont start and i took it to BestBuy to see what the problem was and it turned out to be the motherboard. So as we were leaving the guy at BestBuy told us to be careful of scams because it's been known to happen. So i call Amazon who gives me a number to Hps tech support and I'm just not feeling confident with it. They want a $15-25 fee just to send the laptop to them with no guarantee of whether they'll fix it. Can someone please confirm if this is actually HPs tech support and standard procedure? 8884778443 The number Amazon gave me to call (i heard her typing before she gave it so i think she got it off of the Internet).

Submitted September 02, 2016 at 07:52AM by Aksunz via TikTokTikk

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