Friday, October 28, 2016

Xbox 1 black screen

Hey everybody. So I bought an xbox1 last night after putting it off forever but I really wanted to play Gears and 2K so it was perfect timing. So I stayed up all night playing Gears and at about 3am I took the disk out and started installing 2k. Of course during the installation, I fell asleep. I woke up about 4:30 on the floor and turned the system off by holding down the button on the console then I got in bed. I woke up at 6 hoping to play 2K and atleast draft my team before work. I turned on the system on by pressing the button on the console. It made a noise like it was turning on but it was just a black screen. After 10 long minutes I started researching how to fix this issue. I held down the button on the console and waited for it to turn off. I turned it back on and it went to a black screen. The logo or sound were not present. I waited another 15 minutes or so and then tried to turn it off by holding the eject button and power button. Turned it back on and it was still black. I checked the chords and they were still plugged in from last night when I was playing Gears. Not quite sure what the next solution or trouble shooting step would be. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated as I just want to play the damn game! I already miss the 360 days of just being able to put a disk in and play. Please help you awesome people of reddit.

Submitted October 28, 2016 at 06:51PM by Polo_P23 via TikTokTikk

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