Friday, December 9, 2016

the das keyboard 5Q kickstarter fiasco

just wondering if anybody is following the 5Q kickstarter campaign. I've been on since day 1 (super early bird yay), and a lot of backers are PISSED! demanding refunds and all that...rofl pop the popcorn.

basically a ton of people didn't like the font, complained about it for a thousand years, Das -finally- acknowledged them (though they were quite latent in least people felt so), designed and charged for the alternate keycaps...

and now they've changed the shipping cost at the "Survey for Shipping" (which was included in the campaign...). EDIT they now refer to the original cost of shipping as "partial payment", which wasn't in the campaign description anywhere.

oh and some people are being charged over 3000 for shipping, which probably isn't right.

my favourite comment so far is:

"Amazing... $60 for 45 days shipping. And announce only when product has to be shipped. I can ship elephant from China for such price faster."

and runner up:

"I'm kind of disappointed that there's an ADDITIONAL ~$14 USD shipping charge for the alternative font keycaps -- which is already another extra $30 (but that cost I at least understand). Are you shipping them in a titanium box from Antarctica, or what?"

"Shipping: $3478.00... Im paying for one keyboard not a container of them..."

Submitted December 09, 2016 at 11:36PM by mordini via TikTokTikk

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