Thursday, January 19, 2017

Are physical remote 'buttons' a thing?

I'm confronted with a problem that's only a problem because I'm a thoroughly lazy person. Often I find that I want to do something trivial from a distance only to realize that nothing in my house allows me to. Typically this involves turning on my computer, or adjusting the physical volume knob of a receiver or amplifier.

The thing I've found closest to what I'm looking for is the relay [switch], but I was thinking there ought to be something more rudimentary and practical.

So I thought: would it be so crazy to have wireless buttons? You know -- buttons you'd press on one end that would then cause pressure to be exerted on the other end. You could use them to toggle light switches, open your garage, turn on an appliance...

I'm not sure what type of device would be needed to provide enough power to generate enough force for this task, or what design would enable it to do so at all, or what wireless technology would be used to link the two components (WiFi, Bluetooth? IR?).

Does anything like this exist yet? If not, how would I go about designing it? I've had very little luck with any keywords I've tried on Google. Any and all input is welcome and appreciated!

Submitted January 20, 2017 at 04:46AM by aabeba via TikTokTikk

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