Friday, June 16, 2017

A non-developer recapping all the best and worst Google I/O announcements from a non-technical perspective.

A non-developer recapping all the best and worst Google I/O announcements from a non-technical perspective.

Especially good was the author saying, I have no idea what Kotlin is but the crowd was STOKED that Google announced it so I'll put that under the best category. After you read it, there are a few points he didn't quite get right (he is a non-developer after all). Luckily a developer in the comments helps him out:

Google Assistant is way better than Siri and improving at a far more rapid pace, so bringing it to iOS is huge for Apple fans. The Android O presentation was way more than you highlighted, including bringing a huge focus on efficiency and ability to perform on low-spec devices, which means that hundreds of millions of people will actually be able to afford up to date smartphones. Even for users of high-powered phones, though, the benefit will come in increased battery life and performance.

Smart Reply is incredibly convenient in Allo (though nobody really uses Allo...) and saves a lot of time when you need to acknowledge something but don’t want to write out a full reply. (especially useful on mobile where typing sucks horribly) #TechTownToday

Submitted June 16, 2017 at 11:53PM by TechTownToday via TikTokTikk

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