Sunday, July 9, 2017

Why Google is Full of Crap about logging in from a recognized device

A few days ago, I was working in an open computer lab. The computer was completely turned off. I booted it, opened up the browser, went to the Google page and clicked on Gmail. Someone else's email inbox opened.

I logged out of it and tried to log into my own email only to get the message that "for my own security" I couldn't log in because the device I was logging in from wasn't recognized.

So they don't log out of the session when the browser closes, even when the computer shuts down, to allow for the possibility of another user; but they locked me out of my account because I wasn't logging in from my phone, laptop it tablet, none of which I had with me.

Was not happy. Switching to another web based mail.

TL;Dr Google has forgotten the entire purpose of web based email and has too much power to spy on us.

Submitted July 10, 2017 at 01:16AM by ChubbyBlackWoman via TikTokTikk

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