Sunday, September 10, 2017

Satellite Internet Data caps in the face of Hurricane Irma

I live in northern Florida in the path of Hurricane Irma.My only option for internet is Satellite internet so I have Exede which is data capped at 15 gigs a month. I have taken 7 evacuees from South Florida into my house. We have used most of my data in the two days that we have been hunker down just trying to get information about our loved ones, houses, jobs, and boats.

I called Exede to see if they could temporarly raise my data cap for the duration of the storm. They only gave me 1 extra gig and told me that I would need to buy extra data when I hit my data cap.

My area is currently in a state of emergency and the satellite will be are only way to communicate once we lose power. Is this something I can contact FEMA or the FCC about?

Submitted September 11, 2017 at 01:04AM by fredrandall via TikTokTikk

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