Monday, October 2, 2017

A Viber question.

So i had this persons number saved under a name in my contacts on my phone. My phones an android. This person first appeared on viber with a profile picture and there last active/last seen status visible. When i messaged them they seen it,ignored it and then the next day i sent another message and there picture and last seen status was no longer there. It didnt even come up that the message was seen or delivered. Although when i went into contacts on viber the viber symbol was still next to the contacts name so i know they still had viber. Then all of a sudden after a month i noticed the contacts picture and last active is now visible again. Does this mean that the person blocked me, then unblocked me? Or something else. Help please.

Submitted October 02, 2017 at 10:48PM by scarymaryaas via TikTokTikk

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