Monday, October 9, 2017

I want to see a phone scrap the selfie cam and go "100%" bezel-less.

In the age of phones looking very similar looking I'm a bit confused why no company has had the balls to do this. I'm aware that I'm in the minority here but is there nobody else who would buy such a phone?

Speakers are already often on the bottom. Home button or the back or the side. The only thing preventing zero bezels is the camera. And yeah the ear speaker, but there have been workarounds for that (xaiomi mi mix).

Make it a "business" or "productivity" phone for professionals, surely there is a market for such a thing. What's your opinion on this? Needs to happen or not enough interest?

As a not-very-serious point: make the back have a mirror finish -> people can still take selfies with their back camera.

Submitted October 09, 2017 at 05:06PM by Xfactor330 via TikTokTikk

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