Saturday, December 30, 2017

Bad ram slot?

I was changing out parts for my PC and when I went to turn it on it wouldn’t display on any of my monitors, and when I looked at the motherboard I saw the red dram light on so I thought my ram was loose or something, so I press firmly the ram into place and still nothing, after a little bit I decided to take one ram stick out to see if any of them were faulty and boom display turns on instantly. I then went on to switch the ram I took out into the working slots space and that stick worked too. My question is could I just have a faulty ram slot and should I replace the Mobo? I have also checked my psu, cpu, gpu, all seem to be fine and I even reset bios but nothing fixed it except not having the ram in my second slot. I only have two ram slots on my mb so I can’t put the second one in a different slot. Thanks for any help I receive.

Submitted December 30, 2017 at 03:27PM by ImJonx via TikTokTikk

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