Saturday, February 24, 2018

Anyone know of a good tool bag for tech tools? And any suggestions for tools that are very useful to have?

I work in the IT department at my school. The job consists of pretty basic to intermediate (I guess?) troubleshooting and fixes. I swap, wipe, and clone/image hard drives. I do other basic stuff inside computers (swapping out or adding ram, CPUs, etc. I don’t really modify parts.) This summer I’ll be doing a good bit of network related work around campus so I can imagine I’ll be tipping some cables. I’d love to hear some suggestions on a good tool bag with good organization options for all of the tools I’d need (or may not need.) I’m also open to any suggestions on tools that I should consider investing in!

Submitted February 24, 2018 at 12:42PM by CartonLoop via TikTokTikk

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