Sunday, February 25, 2018

Is there a case to be made for killing the 3.5mm audio jack?

To start this off, I'm not asking what your opinion on Apple is. I don't want to hear how the iPhone is for plebs who just want to be cool and grandmas who don't understand technology. I keep seeing threads and hoping for genuine information and it just turns into a OnePlus, Samsung, Pixel, generally any phone company besides Apple circle jerk on why iPhones are dumb. I don't even own one, I'm just sick of seeing it.

I want to hear from someone smart who understands it regarding if there is a good reason to retire the golden standard in audio connection. A recent article about a tech conference talked about how pretty much every audio company was pushing Bluetooth and some of the fidelity purists we're trying to introduce a different gauge (4.something) for the headphones that need to be wired.

Are we truly witnessing the demise of the 3.5mm jack? If we are, does it really matter, or is everyone throwing a tantrum now and will forget it 3 months after it's gone? (Like with every other large shift in tech format)

Submitted February 26, 2018 at 06:26AM by tophereal via TikTokTikk

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