Sunday, May 19, 2019

Imessage is the biggest reason I'm wary of switching from my Iphone.

So I'm an 18 year old girl, in college (though out for summer), and so most of my friends use iMessage. I literally can count the people who don't on one hand, and none of them are the people I talk to most frequently. I'm not one of those crazy people who will block an android user just not to see green bubbles, but I have noticed that texting is far more annoying even when just texting a friend who's an android user (missed messages, incomplete messages, etc). I know there are messenger apps like Kik and WhatsApp, but at least in my social circle, nobody uses them for day to day easy texting!

I really love the design of the Google Pixel 3, because it reminds me of the same feeling I got when my first iPhone (4S) came out and everything was new and fun and innovative. I'm not deep into the apple ecosystem at all (refused to get anything other than a PC because I love gaming and I'm learning code, besides I grew up on windows) but I do feel kind of stuck with Apple. Prices for the new iPhones seem super crazy, especially since this will be the first year I buy my own phone (I hope this doesn't make me sound spoiled I'm just trying to show you guys everything that's going on) and $1,000 is a shit ton when the only jobs I can get for the moment are a little above minimum wage in my state ($7.25/h). Yes, I could save up for it...but I don't want to feel stuck when buying a new phone man.

Imessage is by far my favorite part of my apple device. I'm a big texter, and easily sharing photos and videos in good quality is nice. Groupchats are important asf in college, and while a lot of them are on Groupme, there are considerable amounts made by smaller groups (ex: my business school team chat). I've actually seen people go out of their way to exclude android users in these situations, making one groupchat for the person with the android so they can see important messages and then making an iphone groupchat to joke around and stuff in with vids and photos easily as well as configure groupchat settings itself. I suppose it could be FOMO, but it sucks when the FOMO is also kind of important for maintaining connections with everyone whether they're a best friend, a friend, or an acquaintance you're just getting to know.

What do you guys think I should do, and what other options can I consider? I'd appreciate any advice, and thank y'all in advance, have a lovely rest of your day~

Submitted May 20, 2019 at 03:14AM by undercovernoob via TikTokTikk

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