Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Mass Migration From Extreme Climate?

Just wanted to bring more insight to Climate change for us who use tech--which is a major contributor to usage of non-renewable resources.

My late night thirst for insights into pressing issues led me to the topic of climate change---and researching more about it (particularly through documentaries). And it's insane at how rapidly it's affecting the world and scary how by 2050, the world's mass migration is expected to rapidly increase--where people within regions of each continent, are migrating to other parts of the planet (which are already populated as it is) to escape the extreme climate change issues (increase of hurricanes in southern US, mudslides and extreme flooding in Indonesia, even more severe droughts in Africa, and Permafrost (a frozen layer of soil below the uppermost layer) rapidly unfreezing in the Arctic and frigid regions like Russia, which accelerate rapid release of greenhouse gases like Carbon Dioxide and Methane.

So this increases the human competition for resources and limits such resources as a result.

Let's try to do whatever we can to save the earth and our survival. Buy produce local if you are able to afford it, get hybrid/electric cars, carpool, recycle (it's sad how now certain countries are now refusing recyclable items), bike/walk more, appreciate and travel more in your own locality/state versus constantly going overseas (more flights = more CO2 emissions), etc. Many resources are available if we are willing to put for the effort to end or at least reduce climate change. It has to start with us individually, and then expand to our families, communities, and then nations!

Submitted May 22, 2019 at 11:49AM by Evening_101 via TikTokTikk

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