Saturday, July 20, 2019

Modern day 'Tech TV'?

I was lamenting yesterday about my yearning for the days of the 'tech boom'. For me, '99-09 was a really great technology experience, but especially until about 2004. With ZDTV/TechTV there was always something interesting to watch, Battle Bots was a thing and aired on cable, LAN parties were booming, message board/forums were home to some epic discussion, pioneering our way through the early days of case modding and soft modding (desktop/OS), MMOs were the social norm (sigh, Everquest...), and we were getting movies like Hackers, Antitrust, etc...

I know we still have TWiT as an entitiy, but with the death of TNSS (and also TekThing), they only have a few shows that really capture my interest. I was wondering, are there any other "networks" out there for tech shows? Are there any good YT channels (not Linus) that cover a moderately-broad spectrum?

Submitted July 21, 2019 at 01:45AM by gdblu via TikTokTikk

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