Sunday, July 21, 2019

So, now solar rooftop getting popular in the US, people go into the $20-30k debt for 6-10kwth systems

But why? much of power consumption is just about hot water, and 1-3m2 domestic vacuum solar collector for $400 + $500 4m3 insulated hot water tank, pipes and $10 electronics can replace half work of the huge 6-10kwth system for 1/20 of the cost! while replacing 15 tesla powerwalls! 4m3 water tank of hot water = 230kwth! = 15 tesla powerwalls! at 1/100 of the cost and going to lasts 50 years!

- dishwasher

- shower

- dryer

- washing machine

- kettle/kitchen (just heat a bit more, so a big economy too)

All of that use/can be powered by a hot water! washing machine and dishwasher use 85% energy just to boil the water, clothes dryer can be powered by hot water in radiator and small 10w pump(in diy box with time and space in exchange)! and 100% free shower, just connect it all to solar heated hot water! so you don't need huuuge PV system, you don't need huuuge 10kwth solar invertor! you can have 1/5 PV system with cheap invertor + storage for TV, PC, microwave, fridge.

  1. 1kwth PV and vacuum tube collector provide the same per day but tube is x2.5 cheaper
  2. you can utilize up to 90% energy from the tube with water storage and you can have safe storage, like underground one in the backyard
  3. 2018 LCOE of rooftop is $150/Mwt, so it is just hidden form of energy poverty for whole system, you just becoming grid company boyfriend and "provider", it is form of cheating
  4. invertor and heat pump does not have 20years warranty and CAPEX becoming too big for the masses anyway.
  5. over insulated house with heat recovey ventilation better than costly big AC system, it will lasts longer.
  6. with domestic hot water "baseload" - whole urban area can cut off the "duck curve" for the power company

Submitted July 21, 2019 at 02:25PM by PinkGlider via TikTokTikk

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