Thursday, August 15, 2019

My take on yearly Product Cycles for Technology

TL;DR: I usually say that January is the best time to buy PC components. I looked at a history and countless data of "technology" and have noticed a pattern. And there is too much uncertainty any other time.

The pattern usually starts end of February early march when new cool things are announced. This makes the fight for Tech start to stir. April may is when Either some big Phone company or some big Game company does something awesome and the related markets flounder and boost prices to try and capture the people that are hyped. June, July, August is where there are either surprise releases of technology or the stuff that was announced in FEB/MAR is released. This usually makes those months a big mess of the now "last gen" items dropping significantly in price and the new items that people would want are either priced really high or the market is really volatile and the items aren't "fully ready". September is when those companies that compliment the new technology will start making items that either bounce off of or work with the items released in the past months. This usually either brings the prices to a more level bell curve if they were high or will make the volatile market prices go up on average.

October, November, December is when the Big Christmas and holiday stuff happens. All of the companies will frantically fight for all of the Markets that they can. This is where the prices of everything tech are most volatile. One day a product will be cheap the next it will be expensive. And this is the absolute worst time to get products. This is where there are the most bugs/fuck ups of all the tech problems for new components. The reason is because products will be released too early to capitalize on a market that will be gone shortly and the company will decide it is cheaper to release a bad/broken product and have the support to fix it than it is to wait until later after people bought their stuff. This is the worst to me because I want a good product and not have to worry about the price changing on me.

And finally January comes around. This is the absolute best time to buy your products. All the companies have used up a lot if not all of their allowed resources during the holiday seasons and they cannot sustain the pricing fights anymore. They will also Have to use what ever they need to Fixing buggy/ broken products that were released at this time and now people are trying to use them. January/early February has the most stable pricing for basically all technology because of this. The products might be slightly more expensive than you could have found during the time of the sales but it's really not that more expensive. And there is the bonus of the Massive amounts of support that is there for the products. They literally have to have this support or else they will lose all of the money that they gained. This could be in patches or replacements. This is very good for those that pay just a tiny bit more on the product because all of that hard work and pain was already dealt with.

Then the cycle starts again at February. I personally say that the prices are not worth the competition and turmoil that the busy seasons bring. As for the products; right now we are currently in that part of the year where we just had a really big disruption on the market and we are starting to go to the point where there will be the People that compliment things are starting to pick it up. This is because of AMD's recent upsets and The people that are just now making custom cards/ custom laptops and devices using these Chips. Especially this year I would wait.

Submitted August 16, 2019 at 08:39AM by slaydesilver via TikTokTikk

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