Thursday, August 22, 2019

Technopreneur Without The Technology

A very wrong assumption around the world is that in order to be a technology entrepreneur, one should be able to write complicated codes or invent something that the world has never seen. I can share from personal experience that nothing can be further from the truth.

This is the reason why people with the most brilliant ideas never even consider jumping into the technopreneur space because the thought is, "How can I be a technopreneur when I can't even code?" However, the reality is you don't need to know how to code at all. In order to be a technopreneur, the one and only thing required is an idea -- an idea that changes, improves and redefines the way business gets done.

The art of thinking, creating and expanding businesses is all about innovation. The good news is that innovation is not limited to first-movers. Google did not build the first search engine. Amazon was not the first online store. Facebook was not the first social networking website. However, at this time, these are some of the most profitable companies on the planet.

Why You Don't Need To Know How To Code To Be A Technopreneur

Here's the simple answer: Innovation is different from the invention. Inventing something means creating something that has never existed. Innovating means solving problems with tools that already exist. And innovation is the key to entrepreneurial success, not invention. So there's no need to be an inventor. Instead, being an innovator with a business idea is enough to make a successful technopreneur.

Can you take the leap of faith? Lots of potential innovators have ideas, but very few can articulate or sort out how to effectively bring those ideas to life. Having traveled across 50 countries and spoken at hundreds of conferences, I've met a lot of people full of great ideas, yet they are very skeptical and hesitant to execute. The potential of those ideas is sometimes so immense that I hate to see them go to waste, which is why I started my own incubator and investment program to help entrepreneurs who may lack technical expertise.

Steps To Becoming A Technopreneur

• Find the right partner: My first piece of advice for any young entrepreneur is to find partners who have the abilities that you lack. If you are a techie, find a marketing expert. If you are a business guy, find a tech partner. If you have nothing, go find a team that has techies, marketers and managers. But whatever you do, don't let a great idea go unexecuted -- never leave it to rot. With the opportunities available today, I believe it is an absolute sin to consider shortcomings as limitations.

• Double down on your skills: Develop expertise in whatever business function that you choose to do yourself. Your contribution to the project in terms of skill has to justify your role in the project and with the team. Whatever role you decide for yourself, ensure that any challenges regarding the role can be resolved solely by you, but never hesitate to ask for help. The team will depend on your problem-solving ability regarding your skill, so never let them down.

• Learn to lead: Once you have the right partners and have brushed up on your skills, it's important to remember that leadership will be a real test any entrepreneur will have to endure. Weak leaders are bad entrepreneurs. Be the first one to accept responsibility and the last one to assign blame. Inspire discipline in the team and inspire confidence from the customers. Companies with weak leadership will always fall as tough times in business are inevitable. Learn from mentors and experienced professionals to develop leadership abilities by following them on social platforms and reading their books.

• Accept failure and rejection: Even the most successful entrepreneurs have had to face a lot of rejection and failure. Sometimes unexpected legal complications, staff resigning, insufficient funds and partners leaving midway are something I have personally dealt with. But never let it be the end of your entrepreneurial journey. If your employees leave, hire new ones. If your partners leave, find someone else. If you run out of funds, bootstrap or borrow to restart. Accept these instances as part of the process. Entrepreneurship is not for everybody and challenges are the filter to separate the wheat from the chaff.

I followed the same steps to build my business and help many others achieve success. Becoming a technopreneur happened just along the way. Get rid of the excuse that non-techies can't build tech companies. Once you get over the mental block that only techies can build successful tech companies, your probability of creating the next Amazon or Facebook will increase exponentially.

Don't forget -- a little over a decade ago, half of the most valuable organizations in the world were oil companies. Now it's all technology -- Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook. Are you going to be the next one?

Submitted August 22, 2019 at 05:44PM by Skilw via TikTokTikk

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