Thursday, September 19, 2019

Apple 5G Refusal. & Other Apple Complaints. (RANT-ish)

Hey r/Tech people.

I can't bring myself to ask this in Apple's subreddit. For fear of being silenced by the iGods. I am an Apple user, limited to the iPhone 6S. I'm for sure getting an Android (Razer Phone II) for my next device, almost purely due to this issue. As well as the fact that I don't want to have to upgrade every few years because some company says "your phone is too old."

I guess the main point of this thread is asking. What are the upsides to staying with Apple? What are the downsides? At this point I'm leaning towards changing because the only positive I see with Apple, is iMessages. Which are great and all but I'm sorry, I don't orgasm every time I see a blue bubble next to my name. I really don't give a shit. As well as the fact that their "proprietary" bs is so far behind in every aspect. Camera's are lower quality. (Based on actual stats. Look it up before you argue with me, compare Galaxy Note 10 to the iPhone X).

When will people stop falling for the "iPhone's look cool" or Apple's marketing team being so great. They make good commercials. Not devices. Whatever their plan is for 5G. I don't care. I just want up to date tech that will last me longer than 4 generations.

Submitted September 19, 2019 at 12:07AM by ikejamesfausett via TikTokTikk

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