Thursday, December 5, 2019

Car Ceiling DVD Player To Replace?!

Look for more suggestions for replacements for another DVD player unit or another thing I can hook up entirely if know. I recently bought a 06 Ford with a oem DVD player that I have not used, but at the very least know it gets power(I don’t own any dvds and know it gets power by the eject button making the player try to eject). I not opposed to getting dvds to use, The unit is just very dated as looks go and I know I’d at least want to get a better screen. If there’s any ideas outside of a DVD player then I’d also be up to hearing about them as well!

Btw:No recommendations on r/techsupport so came here

Submitted December 06, 2019 at 07:30AM by TJIM3N3Z via TikTokTikk

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