Wednesday, May 6, 2020

In the market for an appliance type NAS

Hello everyone,

I had a bit of a data meltdown a bit ago and I've decided the time has come for me to do something about backup and storage. I was wondering if anyone with some experience in this kinda thing can give me some pointers. As the headline says, I'm looking for an appliance type NAS that i can use for a simple home network that i can also use as a media server to stream videos to the PS4. I would like it to also have storage for files and backups for not only windows devices but Mac devices too. Can anyone give me pointers on key things to think about or recommend any brands or types that i should consider? Any helpful advice is appreciated!

Submitted May 07, 2020 at 02:09AM by yosabbylo via TikTokTikk

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