Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Please help me get my PhD! Need Research Participants for Dissertation Study due to COVID-19 halting in-person data collection. It's on Digital Communication!

Summary: Are you bored and looking for something to do during the quarantine? Participate in a research study on digital communication and help a grad student finish her dissertation!

Details: Hi Everyone! I hope you are all staying safe and sane during this quarantine! So COVID-19 meant I had to halt data collection for my dissertation research which compares different communication mediums (e.g., computer vs VR) in terms of communication, social presence, and feelings of connection. I have altered the VR and computer conditions to be completely online, but now I need participants who and have about an hour to spare, I would greatly appreciate your help! For a full list of eligibility requirements and what the study entails, please see the recruitment flyer (link here:

If I sparked your interest and you would like to sign up for the study, here is a link to the scheduler survey:

Stay safe everybody!

And thanks so much to those who have already signed up!

Note: I've had a couple of people ask me about the 20/20 corrected or natural vision requirement so I'll go ahead and answer that question here. :) Basically, you can participate if you wear glasses or contacts, I just ask that you are wearing them during the study. If your vision doesn't correct totally to 20/20 but it's pretty close and you can still see everything pretty well, that is fine too.

Submitted May 07, 2020 at 09:51AM by Tonks55 via TikTokTikk

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