Friday, July 10, 2020

KVM switch with automatic Peripheral swap

I came up with an idea today that I'm sure isn't "my unique idea" but would phenomenal for work space environments. It's not a critical asset but rather a quality of life upgrade to current KVM switches.

Background: So in my workspace, as a Linux systems engineer, I have around 8 boxes to move back and forth from that utilize a KVM switch. I utilize 4 monitors with 2 boxes on simultaneously at any given time and use one set of KB&M across the devices.

Idea: Wouldn't it be nice to have a way of allowing the KB&M swap between the two active systems as I cross the monitors edge on one system and automatically be allowed to used across the second active system by an autonomous switch by the KVM and vice versa?

I'm not exactly a SME on KVM switches design and processing but I figured that this isn't exactly out of reach in the near future. I'm pretty sure it would require some sort of tracking of the peripherals by monitors or the switch in great enough detail to know at what pixels to begin the swap but I thought it would be a neat idea.

I'm sure, that if I'm completely out of orbit, you guys will be sure to let me know, but if it makes sense, do you all think that would a nice quality of life improvement? I know its a specific scenario but I imagine my "background" is not unique enough for this to be an unnecessary QOL improvement.

Submitted July 10, 2020 at 10:27PM by Cryptiiiks via TikTokTikk

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