Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Algorithms designed to steal data for advertising are super creepy, but has anyone else ever thought something then been advertised it?

Hey all. So as everyone nowadays knows, your phone accesses your camera, microphone, texts, search history, phone calls, location, what you like and don’t like on social media, what posts or ads you interact or stare at, etc.

But has anyone else ever THOUGHT something, never vocalized it or searched it or anything, and then been advertised it? For example, about a month ago, I decided to start sucking the inside of my mouth a little bit in to make my jaw appear more defined( I know, super weird, but like we all do weird shit in our heads). It was something I tried to register from time to time throughout the day to slowly form it into a habit. A couple days later, I start getting these dumb ads on Instagram for these like rubber pieces that you chew on for like 10mins a day to give you a better jaw. My jaw dropped(no pun intended). For the first time, I really registered that had just happened. I had thought something and been advertised it. The ultimate peak of advertising.

It’s happened on a few other occasions. I can’t recall exact examples, but of course I didn’t try to make a conversation out of it because I thought it was crazy until last night when my sister said it had been happening to her too. So I decided to gauge you guys. Does this happen to you too? Are we chipped? Are we slaves to the tech companies and that’s why we use our phones so much? Similarly, does anyone ever have a random person pop into their head or just a friend and suddenly get a text or snapchat from them? Might be linked....

Look all I’m saying is there’s definitely something more here. Feel free to continue the discussion below.

Submitted August 13, 2020 at 03:02AM by expeditionproven via TikTokTikk

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