Thursday, August 13, 2020

Top 10 Most Popular Technologies That Will Conquer the Market

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted the lives of many. Yet people in the tech industry are thriving to build a better future.

But, has technology evolved beyond predictions made by experts in the technology sector?

New technologies arise and old ones’ fade.

As we look forward to moving past the pandemic phase, we will also talk about the latest technology that will take the world by storm in 2030.

1. Artificial Intelligence

The rise of robots and automation taking away jobs has indeed instilled fear amongst the people. It has never made anybody this anxious as we all are today. Believe it or not, AI has the potential of transforming the world. Recommendation systems, AI assistant chatbots, speech recognition, virtual agents, AI is already making strides in the world.

2. Quantum Computing

Not to mention, quantum computing is already disrupting current technologies to solve complex and unapproachable computational problems. Google also announced to have achieved quantum supremacy in October 2019.

3. The Mars Rovers

Spirit and Opportunity, the Mars rovers made their first landing on the red planet in 2004. Ever since we keep discovering astounding insights about how the neighboring planet could be an amiable planet to live after Earth.

A recent rover named Perseverance was launched on July 30, 2020, and is set to land on Mars and Jezero Crater later on February 18, 2021.

Spirit, Opportunity, and Perseverance are also called the entry, descent, and landing technologies to ensure safe and precise landing. One of the main goals of Spirit and Opportunity was to hunt for signs of liquid water activity on Mars thereby concluding it is a habitable planet for living organisms.

Thanks to NASA.

4. AR, VR, MR, and XR

The last decade was a bit tough for virtual reality. But hey, you’re in the era of the new realities today. We all need to be thankful for the Oculus Rift and HTCVive, VR now has the capability of delivering as it has promised.

If you would have asked a person whether they could use VR in their workflow or not? Probably, they would have laughed at you. In the present day, VR has started to become common in the workplace. Pokemon Go is one of the best examples of how consumers have started valuing AR for entertainment.

5. Robots

Robots have already started replacing human jobs, but will they rule the world? No. These intelligent “things” may have the capability to replace jobs that take hours for humans to do, but they for sure cannot rule the world. Why? They’re too expensive, they cannot talk over all the jobs in the world, and they definitely do not have the legal power to back them up.

6. Internet of Things (IoT)

There will be over 21 billion IoT devices by 2025. Picture this scenario, in 2016, over 4.7 billion things were connected to the internet. Imagine what would it be like in 2021. The market is already predicted to increase by 11.6 billion IoT devices.

7. Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)

GPU is an integral part of high-performance computing as it has been widely used in sectors like gaming, real estate, manufacturing, and automotive. Since it supports deep learning applications, GPU accelerated computers increases the storage capacity, and analyze the data for quick and apt insights. AMD, Nvidia, Asus, and Intel are names that made the chip technology popular.

8. Neuromorphic Computing

Neuromorphic computing is said to be the next generation of AI. It is based on how the human brain tends to process the data. For instance, the central computer center acts as your brain, and this brain is then connected to different sensors e.g. neurons in the body. It works on the concepts of AI, machine learning, and deep learning.

9. Blockchain Technology

By 2022, the Blockchain market is estimated to be worth USD 7.8 million. Don’t confuse this with cryptocurrency. Blockchain technology is the underlying technology behind cryptocurrency. The best part is, it helps in enabling anonymous fraud transactions.

10. Brain-Computer interfaces

Well, this seems interesting.

While Quadriplegics have been used to talk to computers for many years now. It wasn’t well-refined. But experts are trying to get it back on track. Imagine a world without a keyboard or a mouse, won’t it be exciting?

Submitted August 13, 2020 at 05:03PM by saik2363 via TikTokTikk

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