Monday, October 26, 2020

VR Set for Present

Hi - I don't even know if this is the right place for this, so please feel free to point me away (preferably to the right place, if you know it) if it isn't right, but here goes:

My mother is interested in getting my father a VR set for his phone for Christmas and wanted me to research some to see if there was a good one for him. The kicker? He's 74, has Alzheimer's, can't learn new tricks very easily and isn't great with tech to begin with (gets frustrated easily). However, he loves learning new things when the barrier to learning is relatively low and he likes to think that he is a little tech-savvy (even if he isn't), so we know that he'd at least be interested in a VR set.

I don't really know where to begin on this for him. The only experiences that I have had have been with full-on sets, not ones that use cell phones. I would really appreciate any advice or guidance that I can get!

Oh, as for things that he'd be interested in, I would say anything military-related (he's ex-Army), or something that would let him experience things in this world (i.e., he's not interested in aliens or anything like that).

Thank you in advance!

Submitted October 27, 2020 at 01:55AM by SugarcubeMarshmallow via TikTokTikk

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