Sunday, April 25, 2021

What would be the best way to remove all fake reviews and stop new ones appearing on Amazon, Facebook, Trust Pilot etc?

Almost every single Facebook ad I see contains 400+ fake reviews written by seemingly normal people. You can tell by the repeated phrases and the Marketing speak that normal people don't say. The same is true for Amazon, Trust Pilot etc.

I guess the problem comes in two forms

  1. Totally fake reviews, written by the content or product creator, and using services that generate all the reviews.

  2. Normal people writing reviews that they've been told to write in return for discounts or free products.

Both types are obviously misleading to consumers. Type 2 is harder to police, especially as it seems to be fairly common practice to give people review copies of products in return for "fair reviews", but everyone knows that if you don't give them a 5 star review, you either won't get your discount or you won't get future products.

The perfect outcome is that only honest reviews exist, that have not been influenced by incentives or have not been flat out paid for.

Is it ever going to be possible to get to that outcome?

Submitted April 25, 2021 at 12:26PM by DavidSmithies via TikTokTikk

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