Thursday, August 25, 2016

Is this a good Idea or too expensive to be practical

This is a system that I thought of to make city life much safer and better

When I refer to cars in this post I am referring to self driving cars

Basically all cars and phone are connected together. allowing for easy route planning knowing where all cars are and the phones can be used to call over uber like cars or your own privately owned car or tell it to do things while you are not in the car and your key can be used as a backup in case your phone is stolen basically the key makes it so you can't control the car unless you have both

This means no traffic because all cars know the best route for EVERYONE not just the shortest route so only a limited amount of people can be in a small area at once and they will constantly be communicating about the condition of the car (in case of technological or equipment failure so cars will steer away) the importance of getting to the location they are going (if someone is already late for something they take priority over someone who is early or not going somewhere important)

Traffic lights are out of the question because cars already handle that in there own way which can be a more efficient method because it no longer has to be simple it can be as complex as necessary.

Bridges and elevated sidewalks are used for pedestrians (similar it venis Italy) so even if a car crashed no one pedestrians would get hurt or die

If there's any way I can make this plan more practical please tell me

Submitted August 26, 2016 at 06:45AM by guyawesome1 via TikTokTikk

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