Monday, September 19, 2016

I've been pondering how to make passwords more secure, not sure if I've found a solution or simply don't know enough about them.

Put in a 4digit pin which acts as a variable for the equation seed. Then type in password, each submitted character is linked to a string of characters based on the equation of the given pin. Eg. Pin=6395 means a=9"r$ and A=∆~]€ Or Pin=6294 means a=84!l and A=~\2*

This would mean you could keep the current encryption systems, with an added plugin. And passwords could be immensely more complex, and even simple 4digit passwords would be difficult to crack. Since the pin would give each character millions of different meanings.

In the end, your actual password might be a string of 200 symbols, but the equation to sign in would be pin=1234, password=johnsmith this would mean you could have the same password for everything, but change the pin. Even if a hacker discovered the 200 character password, they still wouldn't have the original algorithm.

This sounds really convenient, have i missed or under thought anything?

Submitted September 19, 2016 at 08:09PM by AllMightyGuy via TikTokTikk

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