Monday, September 19, 2016

Why is Apple getting so much flak about removing the headphone jack when Motorola did it a while ago on all USB-C phones?

I just began looking for a new phone and discovered that Motorola phones that use the new USB-C port for data/charging do not have a headphone jack and come with an adaptor so you can use your headphone with USB-C. So much for Apple's claim that they are the only company with enough courage (yes, they said that) to make the right choice and get rid of the headphone jack. Personally, I would rather have a thicker phone and a headphone jack. I hate adaptors.

I tried to discuss this in another reddit because I phrased it as a question. I guess you are not allowed to start a discussion with a question.

Submitted September 19, 2016 at 08:09PM by JorgTheElder via TikTokTikk

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