Sunday, October 23, 2016

Looking to purchase an affordable yet good quality 3D printer for home use!

Hi /r/tech,

I'm looking to purchase a 3D printer at an affordable price yet with decent quality for home use and was hoping i could get some recommendations!

I've scoured the internet for worthy candidates but the sheer number of 3D printers is just too overwhelming. Furthermore, not having had any experience working with these printers, I was hoping someone could offer some advice!

I'm looking at a price range of maximum $600. Ideally, $400 and below would be great.

Oh and some questions I'd like to ask those who have used 3D printers before:

1) how often does the printer break down and require the parts to be replaced?

2) what is a reasonable price for 3D printer ink and how fast is it used up? Say printing a small object the size of my fist?

3) i saw some printers like the peachy printer which is really cheap! How reliable is this printer?

Thanks in advance! :)

Submitted October 23, 2016 at 12:45PM by tomlimahbeng via TikTokTikk

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