Thursday, December 1, 2016

Movie Projector Question

I'm looking into buying a projector to display movies from my computer, however the place I'm going to has no available power sockets.

All of the projectors I've seen online require an active connection with a power socket, and the really expensive ones have an inbuilt rechargeable battery (but I'm looking to keep it inexpensive).

Are there any work-arounds I could use with the projectors that need to be plugged in? One of the options I've explored are AC power supplies I charge up, but I've been doing some googling and I haven't found any cheap ones.

The end result is being able to project (preferably 1080 res) without needing a power socket. Any way this is possible?

Submitted December 01, 2016 at 05:24PM by theyster via TikTokTikk

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