Friday, February 10, 2017

Google account

There's this guy at my school that I thought was my friend and I made a YouTube channel and then when other people at my high school started talking about it he started his and he also started disliking all of my videos and then I said we should collaborate so we did but when we did he took my phone and changed all my videos titles it "Hacked by (his channel name)" and he texted a bunch of my friends and said to a bunch of girls if they want to fuck, to send nudes, and other stupid things and some of them are still mad at me and I have a plan to what I'm going to do once I get into his account but I only know one of his security questions is there anyway that I could get into his google account

Submitted February 11, 2017 at 10:21AM by TheRealOdawg via TikTokTikk

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